Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Aquatic Midge Flies Controlled with Vertex Aeration

Aerators Case Study
By Vertex Water Features, Lake and Pond Aeration
90% reduction in 16 months without pesticides

Hibbs Grove, a residential housing development located in Cooper City, Florida was experiencing an ongoing outbreak of swarming midge flies from their 6.5 acre lake preventing residents from enjoying their lake front property. Sampling indicated an extreme infestation of midge larvae averaging more than six times the recognized nuisance level.

In order to combat their swarming midge fly problem, the residents of  Hibbs Grove turned to Vertex Water Features for an environmentally safe solution.  Vertex Water Features surveyed the lake and proposed a CoActive Air 5 aeration system which was installed. The system is designed to raise the lake’s bottom dissolved oxygen levels and create an overall healthier body of water. The Vertex aeration system provided diffused air through five Vertex XL2 CoActive AirStations™ placed at the deepest points throughout the lake, effectively circulating the entire water column 0.76 times per day.

The Results Highlights:
After installation of the aeration system, oxygen levels increased and the accumulated organic muck on the bottom began to decompose thereby eliminating the habitat and food source that the midge larvae depended on, ultimately decreasing the number of larvae that emerged as adult flies.  The changing environment at the bottom allowed predators of the midge fly, such as fish and other aquatic insects to inhabit the area and compete with the midges for space and resources. Both the increased predation and competition contributed to the decrease in midge fly numbers. 

Within 16 months of the Vertex CoActive Air 5 system installation, the midge fly larvae population had been reduced by 90 percent, from 6,794 larvae to just 660 larvae per square meter. Throughout the 16 months, there had been a visible increase in dragonflies and water beetles both of which are natural predators of the midge fly larvae.

With continued aeration, the oxygen levels have remained elevated and continue to oxidize bottom muck and suppress the midge fly population.

Vertex Water Features, based out of Pompano, FL, is a customer-focused lake aeration and floating fountain manufacturer and trusted partner of SOLitude Lake Management.

Since 1998, SOLitudeLake Management has been committed to providing full service lake and pond management services that improve water quality, preserve natural resources, and reduce our environmental footprint. Services are available in VA, NC, SC, MD, DE, PA, WV, NJ and NY. Fisheries management consulting and aquatic products are available nationwide. Learn more about SOLitude Lake Management and purchase aquatic products at






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