Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Repair the World - During Earth Week and Everyday!

Kick the water bottle habit!

Did you know...

- One bottle of water is sold for 1,900 times the cost of the equivalent amount of tap water.

- Bottled water most often comes from public water sources, sometimes at great expense to local resources and ecosystems.

- 80 million disposable water bottles are used in the U.S. each day and 80% do not get recycled.

- Tap water is tested numerous times a day by municipal treatment authorities. Bottled water - like other privately owned commodities - is tested sporadically by employees of the private bottler.

- The chemicals in many plastic water bottles contain toxins known to leach. These chemicals are an environmental health threat both to consumers and to people living near the sites where these chemical are manufactured.

- The energy required to produce, bottle and transport one disposable water bottle to the consumer is the equivalent of a half-bottle full of oil.


Be Part of The SOLution with SOLitude Lake Management

SOLitude Lake Management is a full service environmental lake, pond and fisheries management company servicing VA, NC, SC, MD, DE, PA, WV, NJ & NY. We support LIFESAVER technology and products, offering clean drinking water from any fresh water source. The LIFESAVER Bottle and other aquatic products are available at

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